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Ramkrishna Sameriya

Why we should write daily?

I am consciously thinking that if I want to be writer, I must write daily. I need to develop writing habit. I am creating rituals of writing in the month of February.

The rituals are to develop daily writing habit for 2018. My Goals are;

  1. Thinking about writing.

  2. Meditation, visualize writing

  3. Reading few words, few sentence daily.

  4. Writing few words, few sentence daily.

  5. Writing few more words, few more sentence daily.

“I have to say here, I am improving writing but I am inconsistent. I hope my daily rituals will help to write few words, few sentences daily. I am focusing on it in February.”

If you are runner, you should run daily. If you are guitarist, you should practice guitar daily, if you are cook, you should cook daily.

If you are writer, you should write daily. And even if you are not writer, you should write daily.

I don’t write regular. But I want to. It is always in my mind to write daily.


I want to be writer. I want to write. It took 40 years to realize that I can write until my first book ‘Dots will Connect’ published. I wrote this in 2015-16 when I was struggling to overcome depression. Writing saved my life and changed my perception about life.

I first started blog in 2001 but didn’t have any idea that it can change my future. Now, I believe that writing will change rest of life. It started reflecting in me and I am being better.


We should create habit. We are our habits. When I talk peoples, read something amazing or spend few moments lonely with worm coffee, words start flowing in mind. I need to develop habit to write it on word document immediately or I can make notes on paper and same day can elaborate on word document.

I am working on it and hope will have habit of writing daily in 2018.

I recommend you for daily writing. It is not just for writer. Here’s what I experience of daily writing:

  1. Writing helps me to express my feelings. It makes me creative.

  2. Writing eliminates my stress.

  3. Writing makes me more productive. It activates neurons in our brain and makes strong connection between them to complete given task.

  4. Writing gives me clarity to take better decision. Setting goals in writing increases possibility of achieving them.

  5. Writing consolidate knowledge otherwise we will forget soon. I constantly write my thoughts, feelings, dreams, and purpose of life.

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