Simplify Life. Weekend Reads

Removing stuff you don’t need is meditation.
For some, Saturday and Sunday are mere extensions of the workweek and a chance to get ahead of the competition. For other, Saturday and Sunday are for rediscover themselves. Here, I Have chosen intentionally each post to inspire simplicity in your life. You must read each post in a quiet moment with a fresh cup of coffee.
Popular thinking holds that a person who went to Harvard is smarter and better than someone who attended Ohio State; that a father who stays at home with his kids is contributing less to society than a man who works at a Fortune 500 company; that a woman with 200 Instagram followers must be less valuable than a woman with two million.
According to a new scientific study published in Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, subjects who meditated for about 30 minutes a day for eight weeks had measurable changes in gray-matter density in parts of the brain associated with memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress.
It’s no secret that you can have a lot of money and success and still be miserable. Seeing how people all over the world live and how little we actually need to fulfill our basic needs has shown me that wealth is not just about accruing material goods.
But fear not, this short guide is designed to help you complete your missions and complete the game at the highest possible level.
Lucky for all of us, the new brand of minimalism shows the trendy side of a life with less. Yet misconceptions about the age-old practice still exist, so let's debunk a few right now