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Ramkrishna Sameriya

Life is about discovering

Life is about discovering and inventing yourself.

I believe in learning and sharing.

Uncertainty, indecision had taken me on a path of high anxiety, pain and stress two years before. I was in deep pain. I had suicidal thoughts at some points.

Everything happens for a reason. We cannot control what life wants to give and where it takes us. Time truly changed my outlook and perception.

"Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future." - Dale Turner

We must discover and invent ourselves. As a result, we will be better version. We knowing or unknowing choose ingredients for life, make our best recipe. Everything seems great until we taste and suddenly feel it is not desired. We are all missing some vital ingredients or method. Let’s discover or invent it.

I am sharing my key ingredients with you. It may work for you also.

I request you just experiment any one of for 3 days.

Meditate: Meditation is simply practice of building internal energy. Start with deep breath and om chanting. And then focus on any small point with open eyes or in the middle of forehead with close eyes. Practice it 10 minutes just after taking a bath in morning. You can also meditate at night before bed.

Meditation is absolutely wonderful practice.

Become Minimalist: Declutter your life. Do 1thing. Stop reading newspaper, watching TV. Donate or sell or throw things that are not used since last 1 year. Say fewer words. Be alone for half an hour and focus any one area of your life.

Over the years, I had a collection of more than 100 varied books. I had passed more than 60. Although I purchase one or two books every month. I successfully decluttered my working room. Now, I practice becoming minimalist not even with the things but more about thoughts.

Start Journaling: I am continuing journaling since March 2014. I started this blog as an on-line journal. I want to share my learning, observations with you. It is also another step toward paper free and permanent record.

Journaling helps me to discover my inner power. It keeps me emotionally fit. The more you wrote, the more you get your answers. Journaling is a powerful tool to clarify, focus and evaluate the life, work, relationships etc. It is a document to gain perspective about your past and to maximize your future. Start Journaling today.

Read Good Books, blogs: I often travel throughout India. I never forget to keep a good book. Books help me a lot when I indeed need it in unfavorable times. Reading gives me immense satisfaction. I feel more confident, self assured and energetic. My mind remains calm. My Favorite Books.

Debt Free: I miss this ingredient in my life. If you don’t know where all your hard-earned money goes, it is difficult to know how to begin making necessary changes.

"Rather go to bed without dinner than to rise in debt" - Benjamin Franklin

The things were different in my case. I wanted to work but was helpless because of negativity. I failed to make enough money to sustain life.

But now life is on track. My goal is to be debt free within 2017 year.

I love simple and peaceful life.

Friendship: The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. But, Better an honest enemy than a false friend. The only way to have a friend is to be one.

Silence: Sometime silence is a best answer. We must avoid gossiping, needless chatter.

I discovered these ingredients of life and the more practice make us better.

Family: we are the common people. I am at 40. My wife is 10 years younger. My daughters are 5 years apart. We live at Bhopal, India.

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